Moore als Archive – ein Inventar aus den "Fercher Bergen" bei Potsdam (Brandenburg)

Arthur Brande, Volkmar Rowinsky, FID GEO, FID GEO
Abstract: The function of mires as landscape historical archives is differently assessed in the peatland literature. An example of five mires is presented here, which are investigated by stratigraphy, palynology and hydrology. They all are situated close togeteher within a well defined late pleistocene landscape section south of Potsdam. The actual knowledge coming from various disciplines of the geo-, bio- and cultural sciences is combined to show their importance for a specialized mire
more » ... ry. A pollen diagram presented here reveals the palaeoecological informations concerning the kettle hole origin and the organogenic accumulation during different developmental phases, including the mire degradation of the last decades. All together those informations can be evaluated for the aims of landscape reconstructions, e.g. vegetation transects and maps of that landscape section during various time slices after the last ice age deglaciation.
doi:10.23689/fidgeo-2934 fatcat:o3ud4qugp5elzl33m5a3ehifem