Assessing the impact of women's enterprises on household livelihoods and survival: Evidence from the North West Region of Cameroon

Christiana V. Abonge, Department of Women and Gender Studies of the University of Buea, Cameroon
2012 Greener Journal of Social Sciences  
The microenterprise sector has emerged as a major strategy to address the issues of unemployment and poverty challenging most developing economies. With limited alternatives to generate income on offer, the sector has become an attractive strategy to enhance the livelihoods of the poor as it provides low-income people with the opportunity to undertake income generation. Inspired by recent debates on the role of women's micro enterprise activity, the paper examines women's contribution to
more » ... ld survival through their enterprise activity. Drawing on empirical data from the North West Region of Cameroon, the study confirms that WMSEs are central to the economic prospects of a majority of female entrepreneurs. These enterprises offer the sole source of income for these households and are strategic in meeting the basic household needs. The paper also argues that whilst women's enterprises provide a safety net for household survival and a springboard for women's economic participation, entrepreneurs remain trapped in traditional, low return activities.
doi:10.15580/gjss.2012.5.101912120 fatcat:56ey6fa42jfd5hmx3yo7ohzppy