The soviet security services in Volyn in 1944-1947

Adam Rafał Kaczyński
2012 Studia z Dziejów Rosji i Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej  
history of the Soviet secret police in Volyn is a perfect example to illustrate the main problems of Soviet power in controlling the newly incorporated and also hostile to the USSR territory. On the one hand, we are dealing with an extremely efficient reproduction of power structures, but on the other hand we are dealing with a shortage and an exceptionally poor quality of personnel forming the new system. An early preparation of foundations of the new administration and managerial personnel
more » ... been largely nullified after the arrival in Volyn. For the Soviet secret police, this situation is perfectly noticeable both in their structure, and also in temporary efforts of the authority aiming at rescuing plans which are falling apart. In contrast to earlier liberated eastern districts of Ukraine by the Red Army, where the reconstruction of prewar structures did not encounter with resistance, Volyn was an extremely difficult and dangerous area. As far as the District Departments of the NKVD and NKGB formed on the east freely develop their activities and had no major problems with the reconstruction of departments and sections standing lower in the organizational hierarchy, so in Volyn even the best trained and experienced commanders were not able to perform their tasks without the adequate preparation of regular officials. In order to find a remedy for the dramatic shortage of personnel in the ranks of the Soviet secret police former partisans were massively conscripted, and local residents formed additional Destructive Troops.
doi:10.12775/sdr.2012.17 fatcat:62pchekr5fbh5hzu5ua2wjidbi