WTO आणि ग्रामीण विकासात कृषी

Dr. Rakshit Madan Bagde
By signing the WTO Agreement on January 1, 1995, India incorporated the agricultural sector into the process of globalization. In this regard, a secret agreement was reached between India and the United States on December 16, 1999, and India had to lift the numerical restrictions on its protected 715 agricultural commodities. The concept of globalization has been realized through the GATT Agreement, the Dunkel Proposal, the World Trade Organization, the International Monetary Fund, the World
more » ... k, and the World Bank. Since the rules of TRIPS apply to living things, patents can be proposed for genes, cells, seeds, plants, and animals. According to the "Structural Adjustment Program" launched by the World Trade Organization (WTO), the policy pursued by the Government of India is detrimental to rural agriculture. In 1920.21, the per capita cultivable area has decreased from 1.11 acres to only 0.32 acres per capita, while the share of the non-agricultural area has increased from 196.6 lakh hectares to 244.8 hectares. This has a clear effect on the overall agricultural production.
doi:10.17613/as40-ya21 fatcat:qbjaidwxybgyrp3kbr5vm5nk6a