Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Clavicular Fractures by K-U C plate

Kazuyuki Takamura, Bin Haga, Yasunori Kuno, Junji Konishi
1986 Orthopedics & Traumatology  
Thirty-nine fractures and one pseudoarthrosis of the middle third of the clavicle were treated by K-U C-plate. None of them showed limited range of motion of the shoulder but one of them re-fractured at 10 weeks after removal of the plate and screws. Our indications for internal fixation are 1) marked displacement and angulation of bone ends which cannot be reduced by closed methods, 2) marked angulation of bone ends which may perforate the skin, 3) neurovascular complication, 4) symptomatic pseudoarthrosis, and 5) open fracture.
doi:10.5035/nishiseisai.35.144 fatcat:hha56yau6ncipji24tjvnjynsa