Analyzing the Effective Factors on Customer Behavior in Mobile Marketing [post]

Tahereh Arbab, Hojatolah Hamaidi, Mohsen Gharakhani
2020 unpublished
Nowadays, customers play a very important and vital role in the field of global economy. As a result, companies give special significance to the customers to survive and grow in the field of economic competition in the modern world and increase their relationship with the buyers of their products and services throughout their lifetime. Marketing growth through mobile phones has provided further motives for performing more researches in the field of customer behavior and attitude in mobile
more » ... ing. The goal of the current study is to analyze the effective factors on customer behavior in mobile marketing. The variables used in this study are perceived ease of use, individual knowledge, user’s mobile phone technology, customers’ negative attitudes, and customers’ positive attitudes. The current research is practical in terms of objective and is descriptive-analytic in terms of methodology. Data were gathered by distributing a questionnaire among 284 students of Tehran University. Data were analyzed by structural equation modeling using Lisrel and Expert Choice software. Test results showed that ease of use, individual knowledge, mobile phone technology, positive attitude, and negative attitude variables have a meaningful effect on customer behavior in mobile marketing. The confirmation of all the assumptions of the research supports the importance of the customer behavior analysis in mobile phone services.
doi:10.20944/preprints202001.0368.v1 fatcat:loezhu6ikvbhpem73bp7kuqdcq