Veiled Repression: Mainstream Economics, Capital Theory, and the Distributions of Income and Wealth

Lance Taylor
2015 Social Science Research Network  
The Cambridge UK vs USA capital theory debates of the 1960s showed that the workhorse mainstream growth model relies on unsustainable assumptions. Its standard interpretation is not consistent with the last four decades of data. Part of an estimated increase in the ratio of personal wealth to income in recent years is due to higher asset prices. The other side of the accounts reveals that financialization and growing business debt partially offset the greater net worth of households. Attempts
more » ... interpret growth in wealth principally as a consequence of capitalization of rents are misleading. An alternative growth model based on Cambridge ideas can help correct these misinterpretations. JEL codes: D3, E1
doi:10.2139/ssrn.2718708 fatcat:pqzycity6jac7jh4aeerh3saxu