Artificial Intelligence in Microsoft SharePoint using Azure Cognitive Services

Madhura Deshpande
2020 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
In a period where information develops with great amount regularly, it's getting harder to look and find pictures, their suppositions, visual articles, individuals, and so forth of decision in SharePoint in view of the way that they are once in a while looked with the record name that they were spared with. Any client with contribute rights on a Picture Library could transfer any substance, even Grown-up or Suggestive substance. Such substance must be physically filtered and managed, acquiring
more » ... olossal endeavors and cost. Likewise ordinarily, pictures contain visual writings and this data can never be looked until clients themselves update the metadata with that text, which is seldom a case. To solve these problems, we can use Artificial Intelligence with the help of Azure Cognitive Services such which includes-Computer Vision, Text Analysis, and Content Moderator with MS Flows in SharePoint.
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2020.30212 fatcat:ds6s2u6tm5hdrddn4oyucx5nda