Hacking-Vigilance Distribution with Application to Assess Cyber Insecurity Level

Ramalingam Shanmugam
2013 International Journal of Information and Education Technology  
Hacking into other's computers for a variety of reasons is a serious concern and nightmare to government agencies, private and public institutions in almost all parts of the world in this fast communication age of 21 st century. The owners of confidential and sensitive files are consciously and constantly undertaking vigilances to protect their files from hackers. They are refereed here vigilantes. The intrusions are increased by the hacker's efforts,  when the vigilances are weaker. When the
more » ... ntrusion rate,  is more, the vigilante's efforts,  are bumped up. Both the hacker's and vigilante's efforts are latent, non-observable and hence are treated in this article as parameters. Only the number of intrusions is observable and hence is treated as a random variable, Y. This article introduces a new probability model connecting Y   and names it as Hacking-Vigilance Distribution (HVD). After deriving the properties of HVD, this article demonstrates their use to analyze and interpret computer intrusions data. Index Terms-Computer intrusion, mean-variance relation, poisson, cyber intrusion, count and chi-squared distributions.
doi:10.7763/ijiet.2013.v3.285 fatcat:wqs2sqcz45et5c46n5dxsta5ji