Intervention Social Support on Patients of CA. Cervix at Vina Estetika Hospital Medan

Namora Lumongga Lubis, Hasnida Hasan
2018 Journal of Cancer Science & Therapy  
This research aims to identify the effect of Social Support (SS) intervention on the increase in the level of self-esteem and a decrease in the level of depression among cancer patients in Medan, Indonesia. The research that carried out is quantitative study. The quantitative study is applied to know the self-esteem scoring by Self-Esteem Rosenberg scale (RSE) and to know the depression score using Beck Depression Inventory scale (BDI). A quantitative analysis uses to know the interaction
more » ... n intervention toward self-esteem and depression in groups. The groups consist of two groups: 10 people in SS group and eight people in Control group. T-test dependent results showed that the Self Esteem Rosenberg scale (RSE), on average, post-test score show greater self-esteem than pre-test score. Negative t value indicates that the average self-esteem of participants is lower than their self-esteem after obtaining social support interventions. This study shows that social support interventions significantly influence cancer patients to improve self-esteem and lower levels of depression. Although both have a significant influence to cancer patients, it turns out in this study social support interventions are much more effective in reducing levels of depression than by raising the self-esteem of participants.
doi:10.4172/1948-5956.1000522 fatcat:wb4vyzd5xzhchos6dwgmpus4pi