Gen C and Gen Y: Experience, Net emotional Value and Net Promoter Score

Syafrizal Helmi Situmorang
2017 Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Social and Political Development (ICOSOP 2016)   unpublished
We live in a world with more brands and more choice than ever before. This Study examines Generation C and Y, how they feel, sense and interact with brands. Memorable experience will affect to positive emotion and brand loyalty The data for study represent 200 participant Gen C and Gen Y accros 145 brands including local, national and multinational brand. Customer experience measured against customer expectation across all moment contanct with brand. Net Emotional Value (NEV) measured by single
more » ... number that represents how your customers feel net of positive emotions less negative emotions. Measuring brand loyalty based on Net Promoter Score. Findings from the research that Gen C and Gen Y have diffrent behaviour in experience, emotional and loyalty. The findings also show local brand and national brand can compete with multinational brand. The study also discusses theoretical and managerial implication of experience, emotional and brand loyalty research
doi:10.2991/icosop-16.2017.38 fatcat:askucwlpcbaazfm2crwlhw4iee