Inorganic Particles Emulsion Stabilizer and Its Application in Lubricants of Water-Based Drilling Fluids

Tao Zhang, Jie Li, Tingting Wang, Fengbao Liu, Baolin Cui, Lin Zhou, Fengshan Zhou
2017 Proceedings of the 2017 7th International Conference on Education, Management, Computer and Society (EMCS 2017)   unpublished
Emulsion type lubricants made from mineral oil, animal oil, plant oil and surfactant with its good comprehensive lubrication performances commonly used in water-based drilling fluids. However, the stable preparation techniques and the stability improvement techniques of the emulsions have been the two problems restricting their uses. In this experiment, Through the use of the composite Pickering emulsion stabilizer which consists of two kinds of fine mineral particlesfiber chain bunch of
more » ... gite clay mineral and feather sheet precipitation gas-phase of white carbon black, combined with small amount of chemical emulsifying agent, we can prepare a stability improved microemulsion lubricant with wax/paraffin or corn oil. When using optimized inorganic particles emulsion stabilizer with the quality of the equal proportion of attapulgite, white carbon black(silica) and high viscosity carboxymethyl cellulose(HV-CMC) to prepare microemulsion wax lubricant or microemulsion vegetable oil lubricant, not only reduce the chemical emulsifier dosage in the preparation process, but also greatly improve themechanical stability and storage stability of the emulsions which have good comprehensive lubrication performances. Preparation stable emulsion corn oil lubrication or emulsion wax lubrication with oil phase content more than 40% just need about 0.3%~0.5% of the composite inorganic particle emulsion stabilizer this paper recommend and 2%~4% compound chemical emulsifier. Both of above emulsion lubricants are not stratified during centrifugal ten minutes at 4000 r/min. And both of their sticking coefficient reduced rate ( Kf) and the extreme pressure friction coefficient reduced rate ( f) are more than 70% in fresh water based drilling fluid at dosage of 1%.
doi:10.2991/emcs-17.2017.6 fatcat:unshhi7mqjeptg3ys6oslh3bka