Numerical Analysis and Investigation of Temperature Distribution in a Furnace during Steady State Condition Using Yttria

J Govardhan, J Narsaiah
2016 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Research Technology (IJEART)   unpublished
This paper deals with an integrated numerical and experimental analysis work investigating into the effect of changes in temperature in a crucible furnace built for metal melting process. Furnace operating conditions employing the application of Yttria in place of brick used in furnace was carried out to study temperature variations inside the crucible furnace. The experimental values of temperature during conventional combustion carried out in a crucible furnace with brick lining were taken as
more » ... boundary conditions as inputs and studied the temperature changes by embedding brick with Yttria at equal intervals of time schedule. The results indicate that by embedding the brick by Yttria resulted inenhanced temperatures at different zones inside the furnace and significance impact on thermal radiation and the heat transfer rate in the furnace.