V348 And and V572 Per: Bright Triple Systems with Eccentric Eclipsing Binaries

P. Zasche, R. Uhlař, P. Svoboda, J. Juryšek, D. Korčáková, M. Wolf, M. Šlechta, L. Kotková
2019 Astronomical Journal  
The eclipsing binaries are still important objects for our understanding of the universe. Especially these ones located within the more complex multiple systems can help us solving the problem of their origin and subsequent evolution of these higher order multiples. Photometry and spectroscopy spanning over more than 25 yr were used for the first complete analysis of the two bright triple systems, namely V348 And and V572 Per. The light curves in photometric filters were combined together with
more » ... he radial velocities and analyzed simultaneously, yielding the precise physical parameters of the eclipsing components of these multiple systems. The system V348 And consists of two eclipsing components with its orbital period of about 27.7 days. The system is a very detached one, and both eclipses are rather narrow, lasting only about 0.016 of its period. The visual orbit of the wide pair has the period of about 87 yr. All three components of the system are probably of B8-9 spectral type, and the parallax of the system was slightly shifted to the value of 2.92 mas. On the other hand, the system V572 Per shows apsidal motion of its inner orbit, the orbital period being of about 1.2 days, while the apsidal motion of about 48 yr. The components are of A and F spectral types, while the motion with the third component around a common barycenter is only negligible. According to our modeling, this system is not a member of open cluster Alpha Persei.
doi:10.3847/1538-3881/ab2d22 fatcat:elj7c3iiqjcopjxthh2ql2c7ky