Load balancing for parallel forwarding

Weiguang Shi, M.H. MacGregor, P. Gburzynski
2005 IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking  
Workload distribution is critical to the performance of network processor based parallel forwarding systems. Scheduling schemes that operate at the packet level, e.g., round-robin, cannot preserve packet-ordering within individual TCP connections. Moreover, these schemes create duplicate information in processor caches and therefore are inefficient in resource utilization. Hashing operates at the flow level and is naturally able to maintain perconnection packet ordering; besides, it does not
more » ... lute caches. A pure hash-based system, however, cannot balance processor load in the face of highly skewed flow-size distributions in the Internet; usually, adaptive methods are needed. In this paper, based on measurements of Internet traffic, we examine the sources of load imbalance in hash-based scheduling schemes. We prove that under certain Zipf-like flow-size distributions, hashing alone is not able to balance workload. We introduce a new metric to quantify the effects of adaptive load balancing on overall forwarding performance. To achieve both load balancing and efficient system resource utilization, we propose a scheduling scheme that classifies Internet flows into two categories: the aggressive and the normal, and applies different scheduling policies to the two classes of flows. Compared with state-of-the-art parallel forwarding schemes, our work is unique in exploiting flow-level Internet traffic characteristics.
doi:10.1109/tnet.2005.852881 fatcat:osntpimcarce3lerbr4zrxsqwi