Reforming WTO Rules on State-Owned Enterprises
Yingying Wu
The purpose of this research is to make proposals to the World Trade Organization (i.e., the WTO) rules to address the problem of granting advantages to state-owned enterprises (SOEs). SOEs tend to receive various advantages, including financial advantages, monopolies and exclusive, regulatory advantages and so on, leading to economic concerns. The problem is typical in the context of China. However, current WTO rules are not sufficient to address the problem of SOEs receiving various
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... . The dissertation makes recommendations to improve them. It makes three types of proposals, i.e., trade remedies proposals, trade rules proposals, and competition rules proposals. It assesses these proposals in terms of the possibility of implementing them, particularly the political willingness of WTO Members to accept these proposals. Lastly, I lay out the framework for the competition rules proposals which prevail in my analysis. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I would like to gratefully give my thanks to my advisor, Professor Davey. Without his invaluable guidance and support, the completion of this dissertation would not have been possible. I am grateful to Professor Davey for his patient supervision throughout my study during these years: listening to my ideas; answering my questions; discussing with me about numerous issues; giving his valuable suggestion and advice; sharing with me the latest development in the area of international economic law, particularly those related to my dissertation topic; editing my dissertation word by word with endless efforts; polishing my dissertation again and again. Thanks to Professor Davey for providing me with the opportunity to study under your supervision. I learnt not only the expertise and knowledge, but also the value of merits. I would also like to thank my dissertation committee members, who each dedicated their precious time in teaching and advising me: Professors Amitai Aviram, Patrick Keenan and Thomas S. Ulen. I am grateful to Professor Aviram for his valuable advice, those not only related to dissertation, but also related to professional development and career.