Hyperfine splitting in a true muonium toO(mμα6): Two-photon-annihilation contribution from other flavors

Yao Ji, Henry Lamm
2016 Physical Review A  
The two-photon-annihilation contribution to the true muonium hyperfine splitting arising from e and τ loops is obtained analytically at order m_μα^6. The contribution to the hyperfine splitting is -2.031092873 m_μα^6/n^3π^2=-793.926988/n^3 MHz. The contribution to the triplet true muonium decay rate has also been obtained and was found to be 9.825708266 m_μα^6/n^3π^2=3840.737698/n^3 MHz. Additional results have been computed for other purely leptonic bound states.
doi:10.1103/physreva.94.032507 fatcat:reju37z7yfbjnppwnrz2wlj45u