Wave Function for the Reissner–Nordström Black Hole

P. V. Moniz
1997 Modern Physics Letters A  
We study the quantum behaviour of Reissner-Nordström (RN) black-holes interacting with a complex scalar field. A Maxwell field is also present. Our analysis is based on M. Pollock's method and is characterized by solving a Wheeler-DeWitt equation in the proximity of an apparent horizon of the RN space-time. Subsequently, we obtain a wave-function Ψ_RN[M, Q] representing the RN black-hole when its charge, | Q |, is small in comparison with its mass, M. We then compare quantum-mechanically the
more » ... es of (i) Q = 0 and (ii) M ≥| Q |≠ 0 . A special emphasis is given to the evolution of the mass-charge rate affected by Hawking radiation.
doi:10.1142/s0217732397001527 fatcat:yj4eukzcgzbrhiwns4g25b6qf4