The Management of Periodontitis Patients Should not be Postponed During the COVID-19 Era

Yuh Baba
2022 Online Journal of Dentistry & Oral Health  
Recommendation for dental care during the COVID-19 pandemic was reported [1] . The authors present recommendations for (i) patient risk assessment, (ii) patient triage, and (iii) measures to prevent infection of health professionals and nosocomial transmission in dental clinics. With regard to patient triage, the authors classified dental treatments according to their emergency level. Their insistence consists of abscess drainage and tooth extraction due to acute pain as the "urgent level",
more » ... action of teeth due to chronic pain, pain from broken ortho-appliance, and so on the "as soon as possible level", and finally, elective extraction
doi:10.33552/ojdoh.2022.05.000614 fatcat:fvbjzfrtg5cztc6msbbf2shrne