Spatial-Perceptual Embedding with Robust Just Noticeable Difference Model for Color Image Watermarking

Kai Zhou, Yunming Zhang, Jing Li, Yantong Zhan, Wenbo Wan
2020 Mathematics  
In the robust image watermarking framework, watermarks are usually embedded in the direct current (DC) coefficients in discrete cosine transform (DCT) domain, since the DC coefficients have a larger perceptual capacity than any alternating current (AC) coefficients. However, DC coefficients are also excluded from watermark embedding with the consideration of avoiding block artifacts in watermarked images. Studies on human vision suggest that perceptual characteristics can achieve better image
more » ... delity. With this perspective, we propose a novel spatial–perceptual embedding for a color image watermarking algorithm that includes the robust just-noticeable difference (JND) guidance. The logarithmic transform function is used for quantization embedding. Meanwhile, an adaptive quantization step is modeled by incorporating the partial AC coefficients. The novelty and effectiveness of the proposed framework are supported by JND perceptual guidance for spatial pixels. Experiments validate that the proposed watermarking algorithm produces a significantly better performance.
doi:10.3390/math8091506 fatcat:yxpng32tsvenriy7jhuqdy6vuy