Earthquake Microzonation and VS, 30 Mapping Based on Microtremor Measurement (Case Study in Kaliwates and Sumbersari Sub-District, Jember Regency)

S.P. Nur Ayu Diana Citra Dewi, Rini Trisno Lestari, Ria Asih Aryani Soemitro, Dwa Desa Warnana
2016 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences  
This research was conducted to estimate the value of the wave velocity of the S at 30 meters depth (Vs,30) below the surface and do a microzonation of the spectrum microtremor H/V, related to the area based on the research that's been done. Then, data weve collected is processed with HVSR method. It supposed to get the HVSR curve, natural frequency, and the thickness of the sediment. To obtain the value of the Vs below the surface, the depth of the bedrock, and Vs,30, HVSR curve then is
more » ... . Moreover, by integrating the data natural frequency, amplification, depth of bedrock, and VS,30. Related to the Eurocode 8 reference and also based on N-SPT. According to the value of Vs 30, the research area can be classified into three types of soil: C, D and S1.
doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.06.082 fatcat:3ghzfgcuzngynhimlmfrydje6y