Time-domain measurement of terahertz frequency magnetoplasmon resonances in a two-dimensional electron system by the direct injection of picosecond pulsed currents

Jingbo Wu, Oleksiy Sydoruk, Alexander S. Mayorov, Christopher D. Wood, Divyang Mistry, Lianhe Li, Edmund H. Linfield, A. Giles Davies, John E. Cunningham
2016 Applied Physics Letters  
We have investigated terahertz (THz) frequency magnetoplasmon resonances in a two-dimensional electron system through the direct injection of picosecond duration current pulses. The evolution of the time-domain signals was measured as a function of magnetic field, and the results were found to be in agreement with calculations using a mode-matching approach for four modes observed in the frequency range above 0.1 THz. This introduces a generic technique suitable for sampling ultrafast carrier
more » ... namics in low-dimensional semiconductor nanostructures at THz frequencies.
doi:10.1063/1.4943173 fatcat:a2gkvpqz4rhp7l5pbbvyeu3imm