Flexible Demonstrator Platform for Cooperative Joint Transmission and Detection in Next Generation Wireless MIMO-OFDM Networks

Andreas Ibing, David Kühling, Marcel Kuszak, Clemens v. Helmolt, Volker Jungnickel
2008 Proceedings of the 4th International ICST Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks and Communities  
This paper presents a flexible demonstrator platform for cooperative joint transmission and detection in next generation wireless networks, especially cellular networks like 3GPP LTE+. The platform is shown capable of handling computational load as well as network load of jointly processing three maximum bandwidth LTE sectors with four antennas each. The platform uses a Workstation mainboard as PCI Express backplane. Joint signal processing is done on a Cell processor, protocol handling on an
more » ... P2350 network processor. For baseband sample exchange a 10GBit/s optical network interface card is used. First results show the Cell processor capable of computing the 12x12 modified LTE MIMO-OFDM processing concurrently for precoding (downlink) and postprocessing (uplink) with a MIMO matrix update interval of 1ms (high mobility).
doi:10.4108/tridentcom.2008.3127 dblp:conf/tridentcom/IbingKKHJ08 fatcat:jvkngmkjqnblfkfoxlbfynpwnm