Komputerisasi Akuntansi Pembelian Kertas Secara Kredit Berbasis Web Pada CV Cipta Grafika

Yeny Rostiani, STMIK ROSMA, Lila Setiyani
2020 Methomika  
CV Cipta Grafika is a company engaged in printing, for the needs of printing raw materials this company buys in cash or credit. In this study, researchers will discuss the process of purchasing printing material on credit, because in this process the existing application has not given maximum results, namely frequent errors in the presentation of data or information. Researchers will create a system of credit purchase and registration of web-based debt with MySQL as its database. The output of
more » ... his system is payment of obligations to suppliers that are due and suppliers' record of debt records can be monitored. The creation of a purchasing and recording system is expected to make it easier to make the payment process, avoid mistakes, and can make time effective.
doi:10.46880/jmika.v4i2.168 fatcat:jgztq4ce4jgzhnpr4rzkuky4tm