Support for international students and resources in an isolated campus: Dispersion of network and steps to support
コミュニティ心理学会特集 分離型キャンパスにおける留学生支援とリソース―分散するコミュニティとその対策―

Tomoko Sonoda
Japanese Journal of Community Psychology  
This article discusses the support needed by international students and the importance of resources from a community psychology viewpoint. This research surveyed the environment of a university in which the campus was isolated and had limited human resources and examined the type of difficulties faced by the university's foreign students. The results showed that international students experience fell stresses while using Japanese and because of their economic condition. They also experience
more » ... ss because of homesickness and difficulty in making friends because of a lack of community. Further, the results suggest that universities can provide support to their international students through educational intervention within and outside the campus.
doi:10.32236/jscpjournal.16.1_17 fatcat:zoajvjarbvanpc4hx4nujxgzy4