On brane inflation with volume stabilization

Jonathan P Hsu, Renata Kallosh, Sergey Prokushkin
2003 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics  
The distance between BPS branes in string theory corresponds to a flat direction in the effective potential. Small deviations from supersymmetry may lead to a small uplifting of this flat direction and to brane inflation. However, this scenario can work only if the BPS properties of the branes and the corresponding flatness of the inflaton potential are preserved in the theories with the stable volume compactification. We present an "inflaton trench" mechanism that keeps the inflaton potential
more » ... lat due to shift symmetry, which is related to near BPS symmetry in our model.
doi:10.1088/1475-7516/2003/12/009 fatcat:t2vg4xklengrlk3j3wz4s75h54