The Influence of Chestnut Flour on the Quality of Gluten-Free Bread

Katarzyna Marciniak-Lukasiak, Patrycja Lesniewska, Dorota Zielińska, Michal Sowinski, Katarzyna Zbikowska, Piotr Lukasiak, Anna Zbikowska
2022 Applied Sciences  
Gluten-free bread is the basis of an elimination diet in the case of many glucose-related diseases. The quality of this bread differs significantly from traditional products; therefore, it is necessary to conduct research aimed at improving the quality of this type of product. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of the addition of chestnut flour and the method of packaging on the quality of gluten-free bread. The addition of chestnut flour (partially replacing corn starch) was used
more » ... in the amount of 5, 10, 15 and 20% of the total weight of the concentrate. The influence of the storage method on the quality of the tested bread was examined after 7, 14 and 21 days from baking. The refrigerated breads were packed using PA/PE barrier foil with air and vacuum (58%) and were stored in room temperature (22 ± 2 °C). Water content, texture and color were determined, and sensory evaluation and microbiological analysis were performed. As a result of the conducted research, we observed that the addition of chestnut flour to the recipe affects significantly (p < 0.05) the texture of the finished product, reducing the hardness and increasing the elasticity and cohesiveness of the bread crumb. The use of chestnut flour in an amount of up to 10% increases significantly (p < 0.05) the volume of the resulting loaves. Microbiological research has indicated vacuum packaging as a better way to protect and store gluten-free bread. For practical use in future production, it is recommended to replace corn starch in gluten-free breads by no more than 10% by chestnut flour.
doi:10.3390/app12168340 fatcat:ll6lrnt4wzentgfyer7dcwinym