#1 Systemic Bone Mass Alterations and Ligature-Induced Periodontitis in Wistar Rats

F De Lecue Pillon, C K, A C De Souza
Chronic inflammatory conditions have been associated with pathological outcomes, resulting in events responsible for abbreviation of life or decreasing life quality in elders. Periodontal diseases have been associated with systemic disorders, but there is a lack of evidence concerning the relationship between periodontal inflammation and systemic bone conditions. The aim of the present study was to analyze the relationship between ligature-induced periodontitis and generalized bone mass
more » ... ons in Wistar rats. Periodontal disease was induced by the placement of silk ligatures around the maxillary left second molar of each animal of the test group (n=14). The control group did not receive ligatures. Systemic bone mass was determined by bone densitometry (double energy X-ray). After 30 and 60 days of ligature placement, bone densitometry analysis did not reveal statistically significant differences between test and control groups both for bone mineral density and bone mineral content (BMC), but at 60 days BMC was slightly lower in the test group. Total bone area was, at 30 days, higher in the test group than in controls. However at 60 days this relationship was inverted, with a higher bone area in the control group. The control group exhibited progressive bone growth, as shown by comparison of BMC between 30 and 60 days; this bone growth was significantly higher than in the test group.
doi:10.23675/sjlas.v41i0.324 fatcat:2jxbjbz3izaxzfgibyl2liknim