Flood routing modelling with Artificial Neural Networks

R. Peters, G. Schmitz, J. Cullmann
2006 Advances in Geosciences  
<p><strong>Abstract.</strong> For the modelling of the flood routing in the lower reaches of the Freiberger Mulde river and its tributaries the one-dimensional hydrodynamic modelling system HEC-RAS has been applied. Furthermore, this model was used to generate a database to train multilayer feedforward networks. <P> To guarantee numerical stability for the hydrodynamic modelling of some 60 km of streamcourse an adequate resolution in space requires very small calculation time steps, which are
more » ... me two orders of magnitude smaller than the input data resolution. This leads to quite high computation requirements seriously restricting the application &amp;ndash; especially when dealing with real time operations such as online flood forecasting. <P> In order to solve this problem we tested the application of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). First studies show the ability of adequately trained multilayer feedforward networks (MLFN) to reproduce the model performance.</p>
doi:10.5194/adgeo-9-131-2006 fatcat:kgd6y4hgs5bavdzf2uhndizkuy