Parity conservation in supersymmetric vectorlike theories

Hitoshi Nishino
1999 Physical Review D, Particles and fields  
We show that parity is conserved in vector-like supersymmetric theories, such as supersymmetric QCD with massive quarks with no cubic couplings among chiral multiplets, based on fermionic path-integrals, originally developed by Vafa and Witten. We also look into the effect of supersymmetric breaking through gluino masses, and see that the parity-conservation is intact also in this case. Our conclusion is valid, when only bosonic parity-breaking observable terms are considered in path-integrals like the original Vafa-Witten formulation.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.61.025008 fatcat:xlvgyit3hfeftoheodjtyvgpui