Home advantage and away goals rule: An analysis from Brazil Cup

Alice Paul Waquil, Eduardo de Oliveira Horta, Jean Carlo Pech de Moraes
2020 Journal of Sports Analytics  
In football, many people argue that in knock-out competitions the team that plays the second game in its stadium would have an advantage, a greater probability of victory in the final outcome of a two leg knock-out match. The purpose of this study is to verify the veracity of this statement using data from the Brazil Cup. We find evidence that the ability spread between the teams participating in a match is the main factor that explains the qualification of one of the teams for the next round.
more » ... ntil 2018, there were three criteria for break the tie in the Brazil Cup, they were used in the respectively order: goal difference, away goals rule, penalty shootout (there is no extra-time in any play-off of the championship). It is estimated that 36% of the matches end tied and need a criterion to determine the winner. Of these, 51% use the goal difference decision, 29% use the away goals rule and 20% penalty shoot-out. When considering the championship in general there is evidence that the home team wins the match in approximately 63% of the matches, a significant advantage. However, in the confrontations that were decided by the away goals rule or the penalty shoot-out, the home team wins percentage is 20% lower, indicating that these criteria level the odds of both teams.
doi:10.3233/jsa-200370 fatcat:55c2rk7la5ga3bncxfzbfod7ka