The Daily Texan [article]

University Of Texas At Austin
Registering student picks up dean's course card. Burton Wheeler Dies * " WASHINGTON (UPI) -Former Sen. Burton K. Wheeler," who helped inyestigate the Teapot-Dome scandal and later became a-nemesis of ' President Franklin D. Robsevelt, Is dead at age 92. Dekth came at about ii p.m. EST Monday-shortly after he retired for; the evening at his home in northwest Washington. The cause was not an-1 noynced, but a spokesman said: "It wa § very quiet at the end; no nniti," v Funeral arrangements were to
more » ... be announced. ' ' ; Modest Gain in Market^*, /new YORK (AP*) ^The stock' marl^Uran,Into some resistance, from jprofit-taking^Tue?day but still managed to keep its 1975 record un-
doi:10.15781/t28c9r53j fatcat:kaowjuoaurepdpojqmrlfkpvsu