Rescate documental de petroglifos y reconstrucción 3D del corredor dolménico de Cubillejo de Lara, Burgos

Fabián Ledo Fernández
2016 Virtual Archaeology Review  
This article focuses on the study of the ceiling of the corridor of the Dolmen of Cubillejo de Lara, Burgos, Spain. The process of computerisation has contributed to a better comprehension of what may or may not have been possible for its original architecture. During the study, previously lost information regarding petroglyphs within the corridor was recovered, which has been very important in understanding the structural solution of this structure in the past. This has been the fruit of
more » ... isciplinary work, where the diagnosis of the state of the stone has played a fundamental role, assisted by techniques such as orthophotogrammetry, three-dimensional (3D) modelling and geographic information system (GIS), to recognise how the process of degradation has shaped the current condition of the corridor as part of the construction, in such a way as to be capable to reconstruct its possible original form through its current state. The result has been contrasted with other concurrent dolmens existent in the area, which has confirmed the validity of virtual reconstructions to confront hypotheses sustained for decades without further evidence to back them.
doi:10.4995/var.2015.4522 fatcat:6ch5wcfxo5go3n2d2mkus3yuvq