The HI Supergiant Shells in the Large Magellanic Cloud

S. Kim, L. Staveley-Smith, R.J. Sault, M.J. Kesteven, D. McConnell, M.A. Dopita, M. Bessell
1997 International Astronomical Union Colloquium  
AbstractWe present the result of an HI aperture synthesis mosaic of the Large Magellanic cloud (LMC), made recently with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). The resolution of the mosaiced images is l′.0 (15 pc, using a distance to the LMC of 50 kpc). In contrast to its appearance at other wavelengths, the LMC is remarkably symmetrical in HI on the largest scales, with the bulk of the HI residing in a disk of diameter 8.°4 (7.3 kpc). Outer spiral structure is clearly seen, though the
more » ... atures appear to be due to differential rotation, therefore transient in nature. On small to medium scales, the combined action of numerous shells and supershells dominate the structures and motions of the HI gas in the LMC. A good correlation is seen between supershells previously identified in Hα(e.g. Meaburn 1980) and HI structures. We compare the results with a new wide-field Hαimage.
doi:10.1017/s0252921100071542 fatcat:ei4tsthfkffk7jvspovuirztym