Acclimation of bacterial cell state for high-throughput enzyme engineering using a DmpR-dependent transcriptional activation system

Kil Koang Kwon, Soo-Jin Yeom, Su-Lim Choi, Eugene Rha, Hyewon Lee, Haseong Kim, Dae-Hee Lee, Seung-Goo Lee
2020 Scientific Reports  
Genetic circuit-based biosensors have emerged as an effective analytical tool in synthetic biology; these biosensors can be applied to high-throughput screening of new biocatalysts and metabolic pathways. Sigma 54 (σ54)-dependent transcription factor (TF) can be a valuable component of these biosensors owing to its intrinsic silent property compared to most of the housekeeping sigma 70 (σ70) TFs. Here, we show that these unique characteristics of σ54-dependent TFs can be used to control the
more » ... cell state to be more appropriate for high-throughput screening. The acclimation of cell state was achieved by using guanosine (penta)tetraphosphate ((p)ppGpp)-related genes (relA, spoT) and nutrient conditions, to link the σ54 TF-based reporter expression with the target enzyme activity. By controlling stringent programmed responses and optimizing assay conditions, catalytically improved tyrosine phenol lyase (TPL) enzymes were successfully obtained using a σ54-dependent DmpR as the TF component, demonstrating the practical feasibility of this biosensor. This combinatorial strategy of biosensors using σ factor-dependent TFs will allow for more effective high-throughput enzyme engineering with broad applicability.
doi:10.1038/s41598-020-62892-1 pmid:32269250 fatcat:ski4ruaatzhotl2j3g6fyzjtlm