Laboratory assessment of the efficiency of corrosion inhibitors at oilfield pipelines of the West Siberia region IV. Tests in a flow recirculation loop

I.S. Sivokon, Yu.B. Makarychev, Y.A. Kuzenkov, N.N. Andreev
2013 International Journal of Corrosion and Scale Inhibition  
This article continues a series of publications dedicated to lab assessment of the efficiency of carbon dioxide corrosion inhibitors at oilfield pipelines of the West Siberia region. Results of the test in a flow recirculation loop are reviewed herein. The paper highlights the effect of temperature, test duration, oxygen concentration, condition of specimen surface, flow velocity, presence of hydrocarbon phase and inhibitor concentration on the corrosion rate and protective properties of a wide
more » ... range of commercial inhibitors. The paper gives recommendations on specific conditions for testing inhibitors to assess their applicability for the protection of water lines, oil pipelines with low watercut and oil pipelines with high product watercut.
doi:10.17675/2305-6894-2013-2-3-203-215 fatcat:mje2eltk3vastej6u3ijol7kvi