Ion Separation due to Magnetic Field Penetration into a Multispecies Plasma

A. Weingarten, R. Arad, Y. Maron, A. Fruchtman
2001 Physical Review Letters  
The magnetic field, the electron density, and the ion velocities in a multispecies plasma conducting a high fast-rising current are determined using simultaneous spectroscopic measurements. It is found that ion separation occurs in which a light-ion plasma is pushed ahead while a heavy-ion plasma lags behind the magnetic piston. We show that most of the momentum imparted by the magnetic field pressure is taken by the reflected light ions, and most of the dissipated magnetic field energy is
more » ... rted into kinetic energy of these ions, even though their mass is only a small part of the total plasma mass. Such species separation with implications to the momenta and energy partitioning is shown to be of a general nature.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.87.115004 pmid:11531532 fatcat:h5rnz7bbhzdz3dw3263cgvew5u