A New Generalized Exponential Distribution: Properties and Applications

2020 International Journal of Analysis and Applications  
The exponential distribution is a popular statistical distribution to study the problems in lifetime and reliability theory. We proposed a new generalized exponential distribution, wherein exponentiated exponential and exponentiated generalized exponential distributions are sub-models of the proposed distribution. We study several important statistical and mathematical properties of the newly developed model and provide the simple expressions for the generating function, moments and mean
more » ... ons. Parameters of the proposed distribution are estimated by the technique of maximum likelihood. For two real data sets from the field of biology and engineering, the proposed distribution is compared to some existing distributions. It is found that the proposed model is more suitable and useful to study lifetime data. Thus, it gives us another alternative model for existing models.
doi:10.28924/2291-8639-18-2020-799 fatcat:e5royur4yjbzhbwubejxnuokbm