A Study on Piezoelectric Ammunition based on Improved Single Neuron Adaptive PID Algorithm

Yuqing Lei, Bo Zhang
2016 Proceedings of the 2016 6th International Conference on Machinery, Materials, Environment, Biotechnology and Computer   unpublished
Piezoelectric ceramic as a driver is applied to the deflection of nose, which is a kind of frontier missile control mode. In order to improve the efficiency and reliability of deflection mechanism, a design scheme of the control mechanism that piezoelectric ceramic actuator combined with improved PID algorithm is studied in this paper. Single chip is used to program. We can determine the key design parameters and simulate static characteristics of the control system under the step signal via
more » ... ULINK.The simulation result shows that piezoelectric ceramic actuator based on the improved PID algorithm has advantages of high precision and fast response.
doi:10.2991/mmebc-16.2016.215 fatcat:eeupxbcvcnbujan6ay6hwywomq