Impact of turnaround time on wireless MAC protocols

E.E. Johnson, M. Balakrishnan, Zibin Tang
IEEE Military Communications Conference, 2003. MILCOM 2003.  
Media access control (MAC) protocols for mobile ad-hoc networks are of interest in applications ranging from wireless local area networks (WLANs) to global skywave highfrequency radio networks. Much of the recent work in wireless MAC protocols has emphasized networks with short turnaround times (e.g., IEEE 802.11 WLANs). However, some wireless networks suffer lengthy turnaround times in the physical layer. This paper explores the interaction of turnaround time with various types of MAC
more » ... , and offers guidance for selecting an efficient wireless MAC protocol.
doi:10.1109/milcom.2003.1290132 fatcat:ekqar5hh7rbb3nejvofgtigtua