Effect Age and Cooking on Quality Characteristics and Nutritive Value of Camel (Camelus Dromedaries) Longissimus Thoraces Muscle

Isam T. Kadim
2016 Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research  
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of age and cooking temperature on quality and nutritional values of dromedary camel Longissimus thoraces muscle (between the 10 th and the 13 th of the left side). Longissimus thoraces muscle samples were randomly collected from 30 dromedary male camels of three -----) for 48 hrs. Moisture, protein, fat and ash were determined on freeze dried ground muscle samples. Mineral contents were determined using an Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission
more » ... trometer. Meat quality (ultimate pH, Warner-Bratzler shear force, sarcomere length, Myofibrillar Fragmentation Index, expressed juice, cooking loss and colour) and nutritive value (fatty acid composition and amino acid profile) were measured using standard procedures. Muscle samples were divided into two equal portions. The first portion was kept raw while the second one was cooked at 70 o C for 90 minutes. Longissimus thoraces from 2-4 year old camels had significantly lower shear force value, expressed juice and lighter colour than those from 12-15 year-old. The muscle protein% decreased and fat% increased with increasing age of camels. Values of middle age camels (group 2) were in between. Cooked samples had significantly higher dry matter, protein and fat, but lower ash than the raw ones. Cooking had significantly decreased total and heme iron contents. This study confirmed that the ' A k temperatures are important factors in determining meat quality and composition of the dromedary camel.
doi:10.18535/jmscr/v4i3.30 fatcat:azsssuhnvvelfkec4hfseuueja