The os penis of the frugivorous bat, Eidolon helvum (Kerr)

P U Nwoha, A E Caxton-Martins, D L Baxter-Grillo
2000 Folia Morphologica  
The os penis reported in some species of the mammalian order was observed in the juvenile and adult penes of the friguvorous African bat, Eidolon helvum. The morphology of the os penis in Eidolon helvum differs from that observed in bat species and other mammalian order. In the adult form it is large, disc-shaped and located at the distal segment of the penile organ. The proximal segment of the penis does not contain any bone. In the juvenile bat the os penis is made of two separate bones
more » ... d longitudinally close to each other at the distal third of the penile tissue. The distal location in both the juvenile and the adult poses a question about the true function of this tissue. The bone may function in Eidolon helvum to support erection of the penis more for micturition than for intromission.
pmid:10974783 fatcat:jojoakbxf5dahlsn5ohabiqkgy