An Investigation of the Impact of Social Capital for the Entrepreneurial Intentions

R H G W P K Henegedara, D G M P M Gamage
2019 Zenodo  
It is reported that individuals have less willingness to start their own business. Lack of entrepreneurial intentions impact adversely for the economic development of the country as entrepreneurship is a major source of employment generation and economic development. Thus, scholars emphasize on investigating the factors stimulating the interest of undergraduates to become an entrepreneur. Among the factors, social capital of individuals plays a vital role. On the above backdrop, present study
more » ... s undertaken to understand the impact of social capital affecting the entrepreneurial intentions of the undergraduates involved in Business Administration and Entrepreneurship courses in Sri Lankan Universities. Findings of the study suggests that the number of social ties, trustworthy relationships and the social norms shared among the undergraduates within their community affect their willingness to start a new business. Thus, the study provides significant insights for the university administrators highlighting importance of facilitating a platform for the undergraduates to network with the fellow undergraduates. R H G W P K Henegedara | D G M P M Gamage "An Investigation of the Impact of Social Capital for the Entrepreneurial Intentions" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-5 , August 2019, URL:
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3589635 fatcat:4fykqcfjwraj7dbw2wskb26mjm