Coupled channel study of a0 resonances

Agnieszka Furman, Leonard Leśniak
2002 Physics Letters B  
The coupled channel model of the a0(980) and a0(1450) resonances has been constructed using the separable pion-eta and K-anti K interactions. We have shown that two S-matrix poles corresponding to the a0(980) meson have significantly different widths in the complex energy plane. The K-anti K to pion-eta branching ratio, predicted in our model near the a0(1450) mass, is in agreement with the result of the Crystal Barrel Collaboration. The K-anti K interaction in the S-wave isovector state is not
more » ... sufficiently attractive to create a bound a0(980) meson.
doi:10.1016/s0370-2693(02)01998-6 fatcat:vlsixntcdncypcgctx6qr5riw4