Performance of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Used in Several Heavy Fluorocarbons Liquids and Perfluoropolyether Liquids

Hidetsugu YOSHIDA, Muneyuki NAGASAWA, Hajime OKADA, Hisanori FUJITA, Masahiro NAKATSUKA, Hyunmin PARK
2008 The Review of Laser Engineering  
Heavy fluorocarbons and perfluoropolyether liquids are ideal media for high power stimulated Brillouin scattering experiments from ultraviolet to infrared laser. Stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) reflectivity and threshold of new SBS liquids were measured systematically at four wavelengths (1064, 532, 355 and 266nm). Fluorinert FC-72, -75, -77 and Galden HT-70, -135 exhibits high reflectivity of over 90% and excellent fidelity in phase conjugation for over 100mJ, 10ns optical pulse at 1064,
more » ... 532, and 355nm. Among them, FC-77 and HT-70 were found to be good candidates to replace FC-72, -75 liquids which previously were known to be a good SBS media up to now. Heavy fluorocarbons and perfluoropolyether liquids are most promising as a phase conjugate SBS mirror for all solid-state high-energy lasers because of its high damage threshold and low absorbance.
doi:10.2184/lsj.36.566 fatcat:udeo5jywb5dwpkdibhqcdc5geu