Technology for design education

Heidy Maldonado, Brian Lee, Scott Klemmer
2006 CHI '06 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems - CHI EA '06  
We present results of the first longitudinal study of physical and digital technology hybrids for design education. Through deployment in an introductory HCI class, we have instrumented and analyzed traditional design practices with newer technological components. In particular, we show that hybrid Idea Logs that maintain the flexibility of paper notebooks can successfully implement the fluidity needed between teammates in design projects, and between the digital and physical world. Our
more » ... ary analysis of questionnaires, performance data, and student design notebooks support our hypothesis that this hybrid of technologies may effectively address the needs of this domain, and suggest that basic digital affordances such as export and sharing of design content can improve the educational experience.
doi:10.1145/1125451.1125654 dblp:conf/chi/MaldonadoLK06 fatcat:g5n2rxqqazd3bpef5m7fq5ljyy