Metasurface cloaks for dielectric and metallic elliptical cylinders and strips

Hossein M. Bernety, Alexander B. Yakovlev
2014 2014 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA)  
Cloaking Methods I 3  Transformation Optics  Manipulation of electromagnetic energy flow  Distorting the ray path by using bulk metamaterials Cloak Object Light Rays A. Alu, "Mantle cloak: Invisibility induced by a surface", Phys. Rev. B. 80, 245115, 2009. Metasurface Mantle Cloaks Cloaking using Graphene Nanopatches 8 Dielectric Cylinder PEC Cylinder P. Y. Chen et. al, "Nanostructured graphene metasurface for tunable terahertz cloaking," New.
doi:10.1109/iceaa.2014.6903905 fatcat:wyjxfvxqmfd5nppapk4rlv5n4q