Application of Chitosan powder to enhance the properties of distillery spent wash

Mr Ravindra Khose, Mr Wagh, S Thakare
International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science   unpublished
Sugarcane molasses-based distillery effluent dumping into the environment is risky and has high pollution potential. Very high COD, BOD, total nitrogen and total phosphate content of the wastewater may consequence in eutrophication of natural water bodies. The highly colored components of the molasses wastewater reduce sunlight penetration in rivers, lakes or lagoons which in turn decrease equally photosynthetic activity and dissolved oxygen (D. O) concentration affecting aquatic life. Onsite
more » ... aerobic treatment technology has been implemented but still 100% chemical oxygen demand (COD), and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) are not removed, so further post treatment is must to safely dispose the effluent. Application of chitosan powder as an adsorbent plays active role to remove the impurities and ingredient present in distillery effluent. Different parameters are enhanced by the application of chitosan powder. 93.33% COD degradation has been achieved by application of 10 gm of chitosan powder.