Implicitly supervised language model adaptation for meeting transcription

David Huggins-Daines, Alexander I. Rudnicky
2007 Human Language Technologies 2007: The Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics; Companion Volume, Short Papers on XX - NAACL '07   unpublished
We describe the use of meeting metadata, acquired using a computerized meeting organization and note-taking system, to improve automatic transcription of meetings. By applying a two-step language model adaptation process based on notes and agenda items, we were able to reduce perplexity by 9% and word error rate by 4% relative on a set of ten meetings recorded in-house. This approach can be used to leverage other types of metadata.
doi:10.3115/1614108.1614127 fatcat:r3n4xajfizdovkeqzw5mmjm57q