Effect of Texture Components on the Lankford Parameters in Ferritic Stainless Steel Sheets

Kye-Man Lee, Moo-Young Huh, Sooho Park, Olaf Engler
2012 ISIJ International  
Two ferritic stainless steel (FSS) sheets were produced to display different recrystallization textures. The in-plane variation of the Lankford parameter R(α) was calculated from the sheet textures and compared to the R-values determined experimentally. The textures of the FSS sheets were further decomposed into a number of individual texture components to clarify the effect of the main texture constituents on R(α). The in-plane variation of R(α) is mainly governed by the main texture
more » ... while minor texture components generally reduce the overall level of R(α). A desirable high normal anisotropy and small in-plane variations of R(α) are obtained for texture components with an Euler angle Φ lying in the range 50° ≤ Φ ≤ 60°, which comprise the γ -fiber orientations close to {111}//ND.
doi:10.2355/isijinternational.52.522 fatcat:ws2i5ohfmresllxqdbrsxrkvji